8 prerequisites for your child to sit ergonomically
In order to take care of our child's health and make it easier for him to do his homework, we - parents - must provide children with furniture that adapts to the child's physiology.
Unfortunately, it is often just the opposite - we force children to adapt to the workplace by sitting them on unsuitable chairs or at unsuitable desks. Despite how important the height of the table top is, it is the back of the chair and the depth of the seat that will determine how ergonomically the child will sit.
What does it really mean for children to sit ergonomically?
1. There is no right or wrong way to sit. The only important thing is to CHANGE YOUR SITTING POSITION REGULARLY . Dear parents, do not force your children to sit as you see fit. As long as the child changes his sitting position every now and then, everything is fine.
2. THE TABLE AND THE CHAIR MUST FIT LIKE A GLOVE . For this to be the case, both the child's chair and the height of the table must be adjustable according to the child's height and proportions.
3. The seat of the chair should be at knee height SO THAT THE KNEES ARE BENDED AT 90 DEGREES AND THE FEET ARE COMPLETELY ON THE GROUND. It helps balance the load throughout the body, removing unnecessary strain from the back.
4. The angle of the seat must be tilted slightly forward so that the CHILD'S PELVIS TILLS FORWARD . In this way, it is achieved that there is a greater load on the legs (the legs are not pressed when sitting and the back is significantly relieved).
5. The depth of the seat should be such that the SPACING BETWEEN THE EDGE OF THE SEAT AND THE KNEE JOINT IS 4 FINGERS WIDTH . It ensures free blood circulation in the legs.
6. THE BACK OF THE SEAT MUST FULLY SUPPORT THE CHILD'S BACK , but the height of the backrest must be up to the shoulder blades. This reduces the pressure on the back when reclining in the chair.
7. The height of the child's table should be such that, when sitting at it and putting your hands on it, the ANGLE IN THE ELBOWS A LITTLE EXCEEDS 90 DEGREES . It ensures free blood circulation in the hands.
8. THE CHILD'S ARMS SHOULD ALWAYS BE SUPPORTED ON THE TABLE WHILE WORKING . It helps to remove unnecessary stress in the shoulder and neck area.
Any seating position is suitable for children, as long as it is ensured that the child sits as straight as possible and is not slouched. The best solution for this, of course, is a table and chair that adapt to the child's height and grow with the child, so that parents do not have to buy new furniture every year. However, any other child's workplace can also be ergonomically arranged - leaving a pad under the feet or a small support in the lower part of the back. The most important thing is to schedule small short rest breaks while working, but to schedule time for more rest after the work is done.