The 4 most important things that parents should consider when choosing a school bag for their child
The most important prerequisite to pay attention to is the weight of the bag. However, attention should be paid not to the weight of an empty bag, but of a full bag, which should not exceed 10% of the child's own weight.
No. 1 Bag weight
The most important prerequisite to pay attention to is the weight of the bag. However, attention should be paid not to the weight of an empty bag, but of a full bag, which should not exceed 10% of the child's own weight. In reality, they are 2.5 - 5 kg. How heavy a bag can be in Latvia is regulated by the rules of the MK:
If the school bag turns out to be too heavy, the first suggestion is: make sure that there are not many unnecessary items in it. Research shows that often up to a third of the weight of a student's bag is made up of items not related to studies - various toys, an unnecessary amount of stationery, snacks, carbonated drinks and other things.
No. 2 Bag size
The backpack should be so large that, when on the child's back, it is approximately from the last cervical vertebra (which is best felt when tilting the head forward) to the pelvic bone, or 5 - 10 cm below waist level. The correct size of the bag will ensure that the child carries it with a straight back and shoulders back. Due to the wrong size of the bag, the child can lean forward or lean back instead of the belt, thus negatively affecting their posture.
In this regard, it is definitely worth remembering that children grow by 5-10 centimeters every year, so if you buy a bag for two or three years, you should make sure that the height of the bag is adjustable.
No. 3 Bag shape
The back of the bag should be made of breathable padding, while the shape of the back of the bag should be such that it completely presses against the child's spine from the last cervical vertebra (which is the most visible and palpable cervical vertebra that a person tilts his head forward) to the top of the pelvis.
It is recommended to choose a bag with a rigid frame on the back and a drawstring top rather than a rigid angular bag. What is the difference - in a square bag, the weight is distributed throughout the bag and when the child walks or runs, the items in the bag "jump". Bags that are collapsible help to pull all the weight closer to the back, thus reducing the strain on the back, as well as securing the books and all the items.
No. 4 Shoulder straps, chest and waist belts
The shoulder straps of the bag must be at least 5 cm wide and padded. It is important that the child's bag also has chest and waist belts, because with their help, the weight of the bag is balanced proportionally, reducing unnecessary load on the shoulders and neck.
ERGOBAG complies with all principles of ergonomics